My name is Nonhlanhla Majola, I would like to share my life story. I fell pregnant when I was 22 years old and I later tested HIV positive. When I learned about my status I was angry and could not accept it: angry because I could not understand why that would happen to me when I only had one boyfriend. I am not a party girl.
I needed my family, but unfortunately they were not there for me. My Dad has his own family and my Mom is with her husband. At that point I had no one but I needed someone. It was hard and many times I wanted to end my life but through counselling I was able to accept my status.
Then I decided to do proposal at local clinics to sell something, so that I can support my child. Fortunately they were very happy with my proposal and I started selling some sweets and chips. I asked the clinic if there was any vacant job for cleaning, even volunteering so that I can get some experience. There was no post but they said I can start volunteering in the morning shifts.
I started going to Faith Mission Church where I found Mam Neli and Sibeko. I told them everything and that I want to study but I don’t have money. They told me about I Can! as I also told them that I like cooking and cleaning.
I then came to I Can! Academy to apply and they told me to come and hand in my documents. After some time they called me for Pre-Assessment; I couldn’t believe it. I was so happy that for once things are going well for me.
I’m now at I Can! Academy completing Domestic Service Qualification. I am thankful to God for the opportunity. I am now a strong individual who is responsible and able to stand on her own. I am so happy in the space that I am in and I foresee a bright future for me and my son.
Today I have come to realise that I am not alone, I have God and my son.
I aspire to be happy in life, and right now I can proudly say IM HAPPY!