I Can! Drives Compliance

Over the past years, I Can! as an organisation has experienced growth in all its functions and has managed to assist hundreds of learners each year through learnerships. I Can! is directly and indirectly influenced by many factors from its macro and economic environment (the environment outside the company). However, I Can! has managed to keep up with these changes and as a result, one such consequence has been to focus on the upskilling of all our facilitators, with the aim of improving the quality of assessments we produce.

As an organisation, we are aiming to have all our facilitators registered as constituent assessors for the qualifications that they facilitate and the wheels are turning faster than expected. The first stage is for all facilitators to achieve the assessor unit standard and then registration with Services SETA on relevant qualifications to follow.

We are proud to announce that Vereeniging Academy has jumped at this opportunity and booked all facilitators (that weren’t already assessors) on the assessor training. From the 27th -29th of October, three of our Facilitators below will be attending assessor training with Assessment College. This will take our academy to 100% compliance of the first stage.

  • Sekopi Mabitle
  • Yvonne Mngomezulu
  • Lucy Ramonana

Among this group is also Gontle Moswane from Kempton Park academy.

We are proud of the work we are doing in our Academy and we feel special to be part of an organisation that is uplifting so many lives of PWD on such a large scale.

Liane M Chipangura
Operations Manager – Gauteng