KHULISANI- Ican! Business Practice

This month Khulisani was able to take advantage of their extensive database of young people with disabilities who have completed I Can! learnerships. Without any warning an urgent order for 500 beaded bracelets landed on our door. We quickly identified 5 hearing impaired learners. These graduates attended the I Can! Business Practice NQF1 Learnership between March 2013 – April 2014. The learners were very enthusiastic to meet the request and extremely energetic about the work ahead them. As most hearing impaired people communicate with their hands, there was not much time for chatting and the ladies diligently completed the task. In the end they produced professionally packaged, beautiful bracelets for the happy client.

Great thanks to PMI for the order and for their support for People With Disabilities. We value your equal opportunity ethos.